Experitheater Zürich

Tabula Rasa – A Queer Love Story of Struggles and Freedom

About the Book

«Tabula Rasa» tells the story of Reya, a transwoman and LGTBQIA+ human rights activist in the Philippines. To temporarily escape the pain inflicted on her by her partner Ethan, Reya goes walking in the mountains. In an accident, she suffers a memory loss. The novel follows Reya on her journey to regain her memory. Perspectives on her own life as well as the political circumstances and struggles of the community must be re-explored. The novel bears witness to practices of resistance, closeness and grief that point to the center of queer colonial-trauma realities.

About Reya Morgado

Reya Wynn Morgado is a gender rights advocate, community development worker, radio commentator, broadcast and print journalist, performer, and book author from the Philippines. In 2016, Reya self-published her book “The Art of Love, Sacrifice, and Acceptance“ in Hong Kong—a record of testimonies from different members of LGBTQIA+ unions. In 2018, her book “Singgit” was published (derived from vernacular Filipino language which means “scream”)—a novel that takes into account the resistance of Indigenous people in the Philippines. Because of her political involvement fighting for the rights of her communities, Reya ended up on the government’s watch list. The result was that all of her publications were banned and stopped from circulation. But this didn’t stop Reya from writing nor from her activism. Reya is currently living as a political refugee in Bern, Switzerland. Here she completed the graphic novel “Red Tagging: Political Witch-hunt in the Philippines,” that was published in 2022 in Bern. Reya is also a performer and a member of MigArt, and experi_theater. As an active and proud member of the local transgender community, she currently holds a seat of the board of TGNS Transgender Network Switzerland.


26 October, 2024
Book Launch
experi_theater, Flüelastrasse 6, 8048 Zürich

(the space is not accesible for wheelchair users)

19:00 Door open
Entrance: Soli-Kollekte
19:30 Book Launch with readings, questions and talks
followed by books, music and drinks


Past events:

22 September, 2024
Book Launch
→ Queerfeministischer Raum, Reitschule Bern


More dates in Zurich and other places will follow soon...

If you want to organize a reading session with Reya, please contact us

Supported by

Kultur Stadt Bern
Swisslos – Kultur Kanton Bern
Burgergemeinde Bern